duminică, 29 mai 2011


  1. Daca intr-o zi femeia pe care o iubesti iti e infidela si-ti trece prin cap sa te arunci de pe balcon, adu-ti aminte ca ai coarne, boule, nu aripi !
  2. M-am trezit luni si m-am gandit marti sa ma duc miercuri la lucru, dar cand am vazut joi ca vine vineri… m-am gandit ca ce sa caut yo sambata la lucru cand duminica e zi libera ?!
  3. If one day the woman you love is cheating and you think of to throw off the balcony, remember that you have horns, asshole, no wings!
  4. I woke up Monday and Tuesday I thought to go to work Wednesday, but Thursday when I saw that coming Friday ... I thought what yo looking for work on Saturday when Sunday's day off?

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